Modules are the lego blocks that build your Shiny App. You wire readily available pre-built modules and your domain specific app module that you write to build a shiny app. There are two types of modules.
Published Modules : Formal package based modules published on github and registered in module registry
. These are the modules you end up using by config.yml
Custom Modules : Modules that you write for you app.While you can mature custom modules to publication ready modules (refer Link #TODO) , you will most probably start with a bare minimum module to get your app going.
Module Registry is an R6 class mod_registry
in the shinyspring package that acts as the module repository for your app. It interacts with the config.yml
to provide programmatic access in your R code to module information.It can list modules , provide access to module parameters , validate if config.yml
is wired correctly.
Module registry is maintained